
The Midual brand

In short

Types of manufactured motorcycles Naked
Country of origin France
Years of service 1992 - today



the adventure began at the end of 1992, when Olivier Midy, an engineer who had just graduated, decided, like many enthusiasts of his generation, to build "his motorcycle".

for him, a motorcycle is first and foremost an engine, and his preference is for big twin-cylinders. He quickly came up with the novel idea of tilting a flat-twin engine mounted in the direction of travel by 25°, and installing it in a chain-driven motorcycle.

this simple idea combined the indisputable balancing and smoothness of flat-twin engines with the natural road-holding qualities of this type of chassis.

a first patent was soon registered. 2 non-running motorcycles demonstrating the relevance of the solution were presented at the Paris Motor Show in 1999, attracting a large number of French enthusiasts. It was then decided to self-finance the research and development of this new engine, drawing on the R&D activities of the company that Olivier and his brother François had set up at the end of 1997 to work for the automotive industry.

after six long years of behind-the-scenes work, this brand-new flat twin made its first test run in the summer of 2007. The idea of offering the motorcycle a noble and refined variation, close to what is done in the watchmaking industry, was born at that time.

in 2010, the company strengthened its capital base and invested heavily in the development of what would become the Midual type 1.
The first prototype of this unusual motorcycle began testing in the summer of 2013, and the first customer models are now on the road.

*Rights, sources and copyright

Other brands

Here are other brands from France, and having made motorcycles during the same period as Midual