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The manufacturers in United States

United States
Uncle Sam's country, that of the American dream, where the highways see tens of thousands of motorcycles pass through every year in gatherings like that of Sturgis. The United States is synonymous with the timeless brand Harley-Davidson, one of the oldest in the world; and its best enemy, Indian. The general public only knows of these two legends, even when the country has produced more than 430 brands in its territory. Among the most charismatic are Henderson, Crocker, Curtiss, Excelsior, Buell, Confederate, Thor, Pope, Yale, Minneapolis and also Merkel. The US also has a large number of tuners, almost all of whom specialize in custom products, as well as S&S, the leading manufacturer of air-cooled V-twins. Many brands did not exist until but a few years ago...or even less.
On the other hand, certain American pilots have become legendary: Kenny Roberts, Jeremy Mc Grath, Eddie Lawson, Wayne Rayney, Nicky Hayden, Freddy Spencer, Kevin Schwantz, Randy Mamola, Colin Edwards, etc... The US is also the 'Easy Rider' film, the iconic Steve McQueen, the Arlen Ness empire and Route 66.
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